Overview Image


Stay ahead of the time by joining the new wave of technology to become a smart retailer and deliver the most advanced process purchasing experience to your customers.

  • Join the new technological wave in retail and become a smart retailer who brings the first experience of what futuristic shopping is like.
  • Give your customers more purchasing power thanks to the freedom to pay later their online purchases. The credit assessment is instant.
  • Không chịu rủi ro, Wowmelo thanh toán lại cho đối tác trong 1 - 2 ngày
  • Increase customer purchase power, brand awareness and boost sales

Increase sales and customers

We provide a better experience for customers when shopping online. As well as giving partners a great solution to improve sales

  • No risk - Merchant get paid next business day
  • Cung cấp cho khách hàng của bạn nhiều sức mua hơn nhờ các phương thức thanh toán của Wowmelo
  • Auto processing credit customer's credit. Fast and effective
  • Boost sales and increase trust with consumers
Overview Image

Our partners

Let we bring more value to you

We are fram^ member

Founded by fram ^ - a Swedish technology corporation, listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange specializing in venture capital investment in the fields of technology and e-commerce. In Vietnam, fram ^ has two branches in Ho Chi Minh and Da Nang with more than 120 top technology and financial employees.





Contact us for partnership

Safe and Pioneering new technology


Wowmelo sẵn sàng hỗ trợ bạn !
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